A paid subscription is required to access hands-on AASHE staff support and earn a STARS Bronze, Silver, Gold or Platinum rating. When you’re ready to take the next step and avail of the full range of benefits that come with paid participation:

1. Log in to the Reporting Tool.

2. At the bottom of the landing page (“Summary”), click the “Order a New Subscription” button.

3. Complete the order form.

Renewing an existing subscription? Invoices for renewals are issued automatically at a discounted rate. Please check the AASHE Member Portal for an existing invoice before ordering a new subscription.

Subscription Fees

The table below outlines the fees for a one-year STARS subscription for AASHE members and non-members. To encourage ongoing participation, subscription renewals are invoiced automatically and available at a 40 percent discount (if paid within 90 days of the previous subscription’s expiration date). Each subscription or renewal includes the ability to submit one scored report for a STARS rating.

AASHE Member Non-member
New Subscription $975 USD $1525 USD
Renewal Subscription $585 USD $915 USD

Each subscription or renewal includes the ability to submit one scored report for a STARS rating.


To help ensure that full participation is accessible to all institutions, the following discounts are provided. STARS is a collaborative project; these discounts are made possible by institutions in high-income economies that pay the standard fee. Only one discount code can be applied per subscription.

Discount Amount Code to be used at purchase
Low-Income Economy* 80 percent LIC80
Middle-Income Economy* 60 percent MIC60
Pay What You Can Based on need Apply

* As defined by the World Bank


Benefit Basic Access Subscription
Use the online STARS Reporting Tool to measure your institution’s current sustainability performance and create a baseline for continuous improvement.
Download your institution’s sustainability data to share with stakeholders. ✔  
Publicly share your institution’s sustainability information and earn recognition as a STARS Reporter.
Gain recognition in The Princeton Review’s Guide to Green Colleges. ✔  
Access hands-on training by joining a STARS Cohort.
Receive AASHE staff support to help ensure the accuracy of your public report before it is published.
Gain international recognition for your sustainability efforts with a STARS Bronze, Silver, Gold or Platinum rating that is valid for three years.
Become eligible for inclusion in AASHE’s Sustainable Campus Index and other publications that are based on STARS data (e.g., BestColleges.com’s Greenest Universities).