The STARS Data Quality certificate program promotes STARS report quality and accuracy by providing participants with training around STARS reporting and review. This certificate is currently available to those working under STARS Version 3.0, and is ideal for STARS Liaisons and other data entry users, as well as individuals involved in reviewing STARS reports.
Questions & Answers
What are the benefits of obtaining a STARS Data Quality Certificate?
Obtaining this certificate will allow individuals to:
- Increase knowledge and understanding of STARS data quality and the review process;
- Improve the accuracy of their own STARS data reporting, and/or that of reviewed reports;
- Save time during the data collection, review, submission and publication processes;
- Network and connect with others interested in STARS data quality;
- Pursue standard and bonus points in STARS.
How can I earn a STARS Data Quality Certificate?
A STARS 3.0 Data Quality Certificate can be earned by individuals who:
- Register for and participate in a STARS 3.0 Data Quality Workshop (offered at least annually and virtually on-demand), AND
- Complete and successfully pass a STARS 3.0 Data Quality Assessment
The next workshop offering is September 26, 2-5pm Eastern. Learn more about STARS 3.0 Data Quality: Training & Certification for Submitters & Reviewers.
How can I earn points in STARS by earning this credential?
An institution earns 1 bonus point under IL 2: Data Quality Certificate when a valid STARS 3.0 Data Quality Certificate from AASHE is held by:
- One or more individuals who are leading the institution’s STARS data collection process (e.g., the institution’s STARS Liaison or primary contact), AND
- One or more individuals who have completed a comprehensive review of the current STARS report (e.g., a reviewer or assurance provider tasked with verifying that the information in the report is in accordance with credit criteria).
Partial points are available. An institution that meets one, but not both criteria, earns 0.5 bonus points
How is the STARS Data Quality Certificate credential maintained?
Each certificate is valid for the version of STARS on which the credential is based (e.g., 3.0). Updated workshops and assessments will be offered for each new version of STARS (e.g., 3.1), and individuals will be encouraged to upgrade their credentials with version changes to continue to benefit from scoring incentives under upcoming versions.
How are certificate holders recognized?
AASHE will maintain a list of credentialed STARS Data Quality certificate holders to provide recognition and to promote inter-campus networking. In seeking peer reviews, AASHE recommends identifying credentialed reviewers whenever possible.
The first round of credentialed individuals will be announced in late 2024.