There is no cost to explore and begin using the online STARS Reporting Tool. Any college or university is welcome to register, as are other types of secondary, post-secondary and tertiary educational institutions. Learn more about program eligibility.

To gain access:

1. Create an individual AASHE user account if you don’t already have one.

2. Check to see if your institution is already participating. If it is listed in the table, email and we will help you access the existing account.

3. If your institution is not listed, log in to STARS and register.

Registration will allow you to explore the framework of credits and indicators included in STARS, begin documenting your institution’s sustainability information, and, if you wish, publish an unscored report and earn recognition as a STARS Reporter.

If you decide to submit for a STARS rating, you will need to purchase a subscription. Learn more about subscription benefits, fees and available discounts.

Learn more about the STARS reporting process.