Incentives for Developing Courses (2.2)

Credit Language

AC 7: Incentives for Developing Courses – version 2.2

Frequently Asked Questions

How has this credit changed between STARS 2.1 and 2.2?

Minor changes to the criteria were made for consistency with the Academic Courses credit. A comprehensive list of differences can be found in the 2.2 Summary of changes.

Do general faculty development or course development programs count for this credit?

General or interdisciplinary faculty development or course development programs do not count, unless the program is clearly focused on sustainability, or the interdependence of ecological and social/economic systems.

Do one-time incentive programs count for this credit?

The intent of this credit is to recognize institutions that have ongoing programs that offer incentives for faculty in multiple disciplines or departments to develop new sustainability courses and/or incorporate sustainability into existing courses or departments. One-time workshops, for example, would not count for this credit unless they are part of an overarching, ongoing program.

Example Responses

  • Florida Gulf Coast University – Good documentation for several programs. The programs include financial incentives as well as professional development opportunities. 
  • University of California, Berkeley – Great documentation on annual workshops. Documentation include recent outcomes and examples of transformed courses.
  • University of Pennsylvania – References an annual, sustainability focused workshop aimed at incorporating sustainability across the curriculum. Provides information on outcomes, i.e., the number of courses updated through the program. 
  • West Chester University of Pennsylvania – The Brandywine Project is sustainability-focused, includes regular faculty development workshops and financial stipends for completion. Great documentation via upload and website.

Common Issues Identified During Review

  • Any programs or initiatives must specifically incentivize sustainability in the curriculum. General or interdisciplinary faculty development or course development programs do not count, unless the program is clearly focused on sustainability or has a sustainability component.