Nitrogen Footprint (2.2)

This is an optional Innovation & Leadership credit. These credits recognize exemplary practices and performance above and beyond what is recognized in standard credits and may not be relevant to every institution. Scoring in the Innovation and Leadership section is capped at 4 bonus points total.

Credit Language

IN 26: Nitrogen Footprint – version 2.2

Frequently Asked Questions

Does our Nitrogen footprint have to be public in order to qualify?

Yes, in order to earn bonus points for this exemplary practice credit, the nitrogen footprint analysis should be made publicly available.

Resources, Templates & Tools

Example Responses

  • University of New Hampshire – Great reporting example of an institution that uses the SIMAP Nitrogen Footprint Tool. A summary of nitrogen emissions is uploaded, and the Notes field includes a link to campus emissions data that includes detailed nitrogen reporting documents.
  • University of Virginia – All nitrogen categories are included and documentation is comprehensive. The institution’s Nitrogen Sustainability webpage includes updates on progress so far, links to Nitrogen action plans, and more.

Common Issues Identified During Review

  • Timeline – In order to count, the institution must have calculated and publicly reported on its nitrogen footprint within the previous three years. Affirmative responses must be supported.