Online Sustainability Course (2.2)

This is an optional Innovation & Leadership credit. These credits recognize exemplary practices and performance above and beyond what is recognized in standard credits and may not be relevant to every institution. Scoring in the Innovation and Leadership section is capped at 4 bonus points total.

Credit Language

IN 27: Online Sustainability Course – version 2.2

Frequently Asked Questions

What qualifies as a sustainability-focused online course?

To count as sustainability-focused, the online course title or description must indicate a primary and explicit focus on sustainability. The course title or description does not have to use the term “sustainability” to count as sustainability-focused if the primary and explicit focus of the course is on the interdependence of ecological and social/economic systems or a major sustainability challenge.

Do sustainability-focused online courses that are offered at a cost qualify?

No. To earn bonus points under this exemplary practice credit, the course must be freely available on the public internet.

Do trainings or co-curricular learning opportunities qualify under this credit?

This credit focuses on formal course offerings. To qualify, a course must have a dedicated instructor, include instructional materials and assessments, and have an established structure (e.g., an expected time commitment, a syllabus or calendar, and a mechanism for learner engagement). Continuing education courses that are free and otherwise meet the criteria are included. Co-curricular offerings such as one-time events do not qualify.

Example Responses

  • Concordia University – Links to a webpage for a course titled “Wicked Problems, Dynamic Solutions”. The website indicates that the course is free and open to anyone.
  • HEC Montréal – Comprehensive information provided on a Circular Economy MOOC offered in partnership with two other Montreal universities. Course webpage is detailed and indicates that a certificate of completion can be attained for a small fee. 
  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology – Comprehensive information provided on a Sustainable Building Design course offered through EdX. The course webpage indicates that a free version of the course is available. 
  • University of California, San Diego – Bending the Curve: Climate Change Solutions is a multifaceted education project initiated by the University of California with participation by all ten campuses of the UC system, and over 1,000 course participants to date.

Common Issues Identified During Review

  • To count as sustainability-focused, the course title or description must indicate a primary and explicit focus on sustainability. The course title or description should: use the term “sustainability”; focus on the interdependence of ecological and social/economic systems; OR focus on a major sustainability challenge.