Sustainable Dining Recognition (3.0)

This is an optional Innovation & Leadership (IL) credit. IL credits recognize institutions that are seeking innovative solutions to sustainability challenges and demonstrating sustainability leadership in ways that are not otherwise captured in STARS. Scoring in the Innovation and Leadership section is capped at 10 bonus points total.

Credit Language

IL 37: Sustainable Dining Recognition – version 3.0

Questions & Answers

How has this credit changed between STARS Version 2 and Version 3?

Minimal changes have been made. A comprehensive list of differences can be found in the STARS 3.0 Summary of changes.

What types of sustainable dining recognition programs qualify?

The following can be  claimed as qualifying programs:

Our institution has a Food Recovery Network Chapter. Does this qualify for points under this credit?

Having a Food Recovery Network chapter is not sufficient and instead can be reported on under the Food Recovery credit. In order to earn points for food recovery under this credit, institutions must have achieved Food Recovery Verified certification.

Suggestions for Institutions

  • Work with your institution’s dining services teams and/or similar to determine whether a ban on red-listed foods is in place, and/or to consider implementing such bans.

Potential Data Quality Issues

  • Documentation must be provided that the institution and/or its contracted food service management company has banned or eliminated the purchase of at least one food or beverage product type or production method due to its negative social, environmental, or health impacts (e.g., palm oil, bottled water, or genetically modified foods).