How long is a STARS report or rating valid?

STARS reports and ratings are valid for three years. After that point, a report will still be publicly accessible, but the scores and rating associated with it are removed. If the institution hasn’t submitted a more recent report, the STARS website will list the institution’s rating as “expired” (scroll down the Participants & Reports page for examples). It is important to note that submitting a report does not immediately result in a new rating. When you submit there will be a review and revision process to complete before the report is published and the new rating is awarded. This can take a month or more, so you will need to budget some time for that if you want to avoid a lapse in rating.

Once an institution publishes a new report, the information and any new rating are updated on the website immediately.

Reports published prior to July 17, 2020 were valid for three years from the date they were submitted to AASHE. All subsequent reports are valid for three years from the date they are published and the rating is awarded.


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