Academics and Demographics (2.2)

Credit Language

PRE-5: Academics and Demographics – version 2.2

Frequently Asked Questions

What’s the difference between headcount and FTE?

Whereas headcount refers to the absolute number of individuals, full-time equivalents are adjusted to reflect the intensity of participation or attendance of those individuals. Full-time equivalent fields for students and employees should be lower than headcount fields for most institutions. Identical amounts are only valid if the institution has no part-time employees/students. Lower student headcount amounts are only valid if a significant number of students enroll in more courses than the standard full-time load. Valid discrepancies should be clarified in the Notes field.

Should student employees be counted as part of the total number of employees?

To avoid double-counting, each individual should only be counted once under the category that is most relevant. For example, count student resident assistants (RAs) as students, even if they are also considered to be employees.

If this is not possible due to data collection practices, information about the methodology for counting such individuals should be provided under the Notes field.

Are there there other credits that ask for the same information?

  • The number of academic departments is required to pursue the Academic Courses credit.
  • The weighted campus user (WCU) figures are required to pursue the Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Waste Minimization and Diversion, and Water Use credits.
  • The full-time equivalent of employees figure is required to pursue the Workplace Health and Safety credit.
  • The employee headcount is required to pursue the Employee Educators Program credit.
  • The number of students enrolled for credit figure is required to pursue the Student Educators Program credit.

Generally speaking, these figures should be consistent across credits if the same performance year is being used. To simplify reporting, the Reporting Tool will allow you to copy the figures reported in Academics and Demographics into these credits. If the same performance year is used, but it is necessary to deviate from one or more of these figures when completing a credit, the rationale for doing so must be recorded in the Notes field.

Please also note that the number of academic departments figure is relevant when reporting on the Research and Scholarship credit (for which you can exclude departments that don’t conduct research) and the number of students enrolled for credit figure is relevant to the Student Educators Program credit (for which non-credit, continuing education, part-time, and/or graduate students may be excluded.)

See related article on Can information be shared between credits?.

Resources, Templates & Tools

Example Responses

  • DE LA SALLE LIPAComplete and accurate responses. Includes supplemental Fall Enrollment upload. Includes supplemental student and employee population data upload.
  • New Mexico State University – Complete and accurate responses. Uploaded file under “Additional documentation to support the submission” includes more detailed documentation.
  • Princeton University – Notes field clarifies why student figures are identical.
  • University of Montana – Complete and accurate responses. Includes supplemental IPEDS data feedback report for the institution.
  • University of Utah – Complete and accurate responses. Supplemental upload includes fast facts for institutional demographics. Information provided under the optional Notes field clarifies methodology and sources for the data provided.

Common Issues Identified During Review

  • Data outlier: Responses for “Number of academic departments (or the equivalent)” should be higher than “”Number of academic divisions (or the equivalent)”. For Academic Departments, amounts below 10 are unlikely and should be reviewed closely (particularly for medium-sized or larger institutions). Academic departments are devoted to a particular academic discipline (e.g., Economics, Environmental Science, Sociology). Valid discrepancies or clarifications should be clarified in the Notes field.
  • Data Consistency: Full-time equivalent fields for students and faculty should be lower than headcount fields for most institutions. Identical amounts are only valid if the institution has no part-time employees/students. Lower student headcount amounts are only valid if a significant number of students enroll in more courses than the standard full-time load.